Abelian Groups: A group G is Abelian iff ab=ba for all a,b in G.
- Z(n) under regular addition
- U(n) under regular multiplication
- Aut(Z(n)) under function composition
- Iff G is Abelian, then P(G) is Abelian.
- If G is Abelian, then the subgroup H is necessarily Abelian.
Cyclic Groups: A group G is cyclic iff there exists an element a such that 'a'=G.
- In Z(n) with element k, if gcd(n,k)=1 (n,k relatively prime), then k is a generator of Z(n).
- If |G| is prime, then G is cyclic.
- Every subgroup of a cyclic group is cyclic.
- For each positive divisor k of n, the set 'k/n' is the unique subgroup of Z(n) with order k; these are the ONLY subgroups of Z(n).
- S(n) is cyclic.
- G is cyclic iff P(G) is cyclic.
- Moreover, G='a' iff P(G)='P(a)'; that is to say, a generator maps to another generator.
Normal Groups: A subgroup H is normal to a group G iff xHx^-1=H, for all x in G.
- Any subgroup H of an Abelian group G is normal to G.
- The centralizer Z(G) is always normal to G.
- A(n) is always normal to S(n).
- R(n) is always normal to D(n).
- SL(2,R) is always normal to GL(2,R).
Isomorphisms: An isomorphism P is a mapping from a group G to a group P(G), where P is one-to-one, onto, and operation preserving.
- The identity always maps to the identity.
- G is cyclic iff P(G) is cyclic.
- G is Abelian IFF P(G) is Abelian.
- G and P(G) have the same number of elements of each order, if G is finite.
- G and P(G) have the same order.
- |a|=|P(a)|; that is, P preserves the order of an element.
- For a,b in G, a,b commute iff P(a),P(b) commute.
- For all a in G, P(a^n)=(P(a))^n.
- If K is a subgroup of G, then P(K) is a subgroup of P(G).
- Aut(Z(n)) is isomorphic to U(n).
- a is in aH.
- aH=H iff a is in H.
- aH=bH iff a is in bH.
- aH=bH or aH&bH={0}.
- aH=bH iff (a^-1)b is in H.
- |aH|=|bH|.
- aH=Ha iff H=aH(a^-1).
- aH is a subgroup of G iff a is in H.
- The number of distinct cosets (left, right, OR whatever) of H in G is |G|/|H| (Lagrange's Theorem).
Lagrange's Theorem: Let G be a group with a subgroup H. Then, |H| divides |G|; also the number of distinct cosets of H in G is |G|/|H|.
Corollary 2: |a| divides |G|.
Corollary 3: All groups of prime order are cyclic.
Corollary 4: a^|G|=e.
External Direct Products: Let G1,..., Gn be a finite collection of groups. The external direct product of G1,..., Gn, written as G1#...#Gn, is the set of all n-tuples for which the ith component is an element of Gi and the operation is componentwise.
What That Means: Think of the Cartesian product. For example, Z(2)#Z(3)={(0,0),(0,1),(0,2),(1,0),(1,1),(1,2)}, where (1,1)(1,2)=(0,0), because 1+1mod2=0 and 1+2mod3=0.
- The order of an external direct product is the product of the orders of the individual groups.
- The order of an element of an external direct product is the least common multiple of the orders of the components of the element.
- G#H is cyclic iff |G| and |H| are relatively prime.
- Let m=n1*...*nk. Then, Z(m) is isomorphic to Z(n1)#...#Z(nk) iff ni and nj are relatively prime when i does not equal j. For example, Z(2)#Z(5)#Z(7)==Z(2)#Z(35)==Z(10)#Z(7)==Z(14)#Z(5)
I need to go study for Discrete Math, now, but I might post some discrete stuff on here later.
Ciao, folks.
p.s.: I again apologize for the blatant lack of formality in the formatting, Deal with it.
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